How We Are Different
We teach Only one exam: SAT
Many exam preparation companies have adopted “one size fits all” approach to standardized tests. Such companies will offer courses for dozen different exams and promise quality preparation for all of them.
We teach only SAT. True expert in SAT preparation, IvyPrep focuses solely on one exam: SAT. What this means for you is that our time, energy, and resources are spent on developing materials and strategies that work best for the SATprep and SAT students. A complex exam, SAT requires unique approach and strategy, thus IvyPrep specialized focus will give you the quality of preparation that "one size fits all" test-prep companies cannot provide. While many companies relay on tricks and shortcuts, IvyPrep focuses on comprehensive preparation approach – building logic skills and strategies needed for all different types of questions tested on the SAT. Our practice problems are carefully selected to reflect every content area of the exam. IvyPrep curriculum also covers a number of advanced SAT questions.
Developed by Ivy-League education professionals, our intensive curriculum will provide test-takers of all levels with perfectly comprehensive and individually tailored approach to the SAT. If you want to learn more than just the "intelligent guessing", then taking IvyPrep classes will help you to develop skills and strategies needed to master the SAT and walk away with a high score. |